Vistelar College

Addressing The Entire Spectrum Of Human Conflict

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    VDI Instructor Pre-Work

    Welcome to the Verbal Defense & Influence Instructor course! This course is designed to train you in how to communicate effectively with people under stress in order to preserve your safety and keep conflicts from escalating.

    In order to make the best use of your time at our in-person training, we have designed a series of pre-work activities. These activities aim to give you some of the foundational skills and background knowledge you need so that you can have focused, performance-driven learning experiences in person. We are asking you to complete all of these activities before coming to class so that your live training time can be engaging, productive, and (we hope) genuinely enjoyable.

    This entire pre-work package should take you between two and four hours. During this time, you will be asked to read some articles, brainstorm examples of conflict situations from your professional or personal life, watch videos, and even record yourself speaking some simple scripts.

    We look forward to working with you!

    Register for a specific session on the Vistelar Training Calendar.