
In a crisis situation, the initial goal is to keep everyone safe until the situation is stabilized.

As a first step, this generally means applying Proxemics 10-5-2 tactics. In the second video, note how the gatekeeper kept their hands up using the "two-handed stop sign" tactic.

If you must interact with someone in crisis, all the tactics you've learned previously in this program can be used. However, because they rely on rational thinking, they may be less effective. Some additional tactics with specific application to a person in crisis include:

  • Reduce stimulation — turn down lights, reduce noise level, step back, soften your voice, adopt non-aggressive non-verbals
  • Separate and support — provide for their privacy as much as possible, move away from or dismiss a crowd, allow the individual to express concerns
  • Adapt communications — slow down, ask only one question or give only one direction at a time
  • Meet unmet needs — offer a bathroom, a seat, food, a drink of water, a telephone, a quiet place to wait, or anything else a person in crisis might not be able to ask for themselves.

In the second video, note how the gatekeeper applied the Reduce Stimulation approach by using "reverse yelling" (if the other person is yelling, speak softly).

Remember, in a crisis situation, the primary goal is to keep everyone safe until the situation is stabilized.