Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed posuere gravida arcu et lobortis. Aenean eget ex convallis, tincidunt nulla eu, fringilla eros. Morbi consectetur lacus lorem, vitae placerat quam aliquet ac. Donec nunc dolor, dignissim at consectetur id, vestibulum at orci. Maecenas enim augue, lacinia quis quam id, consequat cursus ligula. Nam non ipsum eleifend, consectetur elit eget, semper dolor. Mauris molestie fringilla porttitor. Duis varius ullamcorper dolor, a iaculis ante imperdiet ut. Fusce sit amet odio leo. Fusce neque diam, sagittis et sem non, lacinia sagittis erat. Duis dignissim neque augue, ac dapibus tellus aliquet ac. Nunc eu maximus leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas eget justo eu leo varius commodo. Nulla efficitur, ligula vel mattis ultrices, ante augue tristique velit, vitae aliquet leo urna vel tortor. Fusce eget purus quis arcu tincidunt vestibulum. Vestibulum scelerisque quam a metus viverra imperdiet. Nullam quis eleifend metus. Vivamus suscipit eros a feugiat interdum. Pellentesque in est odio. Aenean rutrum justo augue, nec auctor nisi mattis consectetur. Morbi et tristique nunc. Integer fermentum massa mattis lacus porttitor elementum. Morbi tempus magna metus, vitae mollis purus scelerisque ut. Vivamus luctus mauris nec…Continue Reading »
Yes your course was a helpful reminder on how others and myself should conduct themselves while working and even when not working.
Thank you
Hello, I’m a Corrections Officer with the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department in Elkhart, Indiana. This 8 hr Course has been a tremendous help on Professional Communication. Although we are supposed to know all this for our daily duties, without practice comes mistakes. Being professional with all the situations we come across not only represents you as an Officer, or you’re Department, but puts a good mind set on all the people for all the officers who strive to do this on a daily basis. With such a strong presentation and videos to connect with to strengthen you’re verbal communication is so helpful. Especially for the Corrections Officers who deal with intoxicated, drugged, and combative people on a daily night. This helps so much for the ones who eventually want to work their way to patrol, and the proper and professional way to handle traffic stop communication. Thank you for your time, inspiration, and training experience you put together.
I found this class to be a good refresher for a lot of the natural skills that are learned through trial and error in the field of Corrections. I found the footage interesting and entertaining. It was overall a good experience to take this course, even after having been in the profession for many years.